Computer science

Computational geometry looks at the relationship of origami and mathematics and makes use of this through algorithms. The use of computational origami is to make use of such algorithms to facilitate origami design.

In ‘J. Mitani, H Suzuki Computer Aided design for Origamic Architecture models with polygon representation’, A method is outlined to assist in the design of pop-up structures that bypasses the trial and error approach previously used and proposes a method using polygons and Boolean set operations to guarantee that a structure can be produced from one sheet of paper. The new method uses a set of planar polygons to be able to design OAs with edges not parallel to the coordinate axes as well as parallel. This is done through a user interface so that it may be used by designers easily. Data is stored as a list of points by using the fact that when using one sheet of paper, there must be a one-to-one mapping between the 2D pattern and the 3D structure. In order for the method to guarantee OAs that work, certain algorithms are used to satisfy the condition for pattern generation.
